Monday, September 9, 2013

Doggie Dashers get Sports Massage

    That race was for the dogs! And all the other pets of the Humane Society of Boulder Valley...and for the humans who care for them, too!
    The dogs weren't the only ones having a BLAST at the Doggie Dash on Saturday, September 7th! The post-race party included yummy food and ales, groovin' jammin' tunes by the band Rocktin' Grove, treats and goodies from all the animal-loving vendors, cool tubs for hot dogs (on that hot summer dog day), and...
Sports Massage for the human racers!

Sports Massage at the Doggie Dash for Humane Society of Boulder Valley
Racer Neil gets Thai-Sports Massage after the race:
Notice the 1 cat, in the stroller, amidst the dogs & humans!
  Such a fun time, and for a great cause! Those of us who love, rescue, and support shelter pets came out for a good time. There was 1 brave cat present, a Persian, who kept her distance from the wet, sweaty, slobbering dogs by staying on her throne (see stroller, above).

Sports Massage by Nina at the Doggie Dash in Boulder
Nothing but Ohhs and Ahhs from Audra as she gets Massage (for humans) after the Doggie Dash

   And with so many dogs in one place, the racers were surprisingly well-behaved...and the dogs behaved, too! Seriously, the dogs were so focused on the race, and their run with their humans, that there was hardly a snarl or nip between dogs all day!
Nina gives post-race Sports Massage at the Doggie Dash September 2013
Giving post-race Sports Massage at the Doggie Dash - made in the shade!
DOGGIE DASHERS: Dash into my Boulder office and Get "Comp" Cupped!
Your special post-race offer, good thru September 30th, 2013:
* Receive 30 minutes of Cupping FREE when you schedule a 60-minute Massage
* Sample Cupping for FREE w/ a lunch-time quick fix, at my Boulder office, Tuesdays or Wednesdays between 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Your complimentary cupping does not have to be for sports performance. You don't have to get cupping for athletes, although cupping is an excellent therapy for muscle recovery from sports.

...Appointments must be made in advance, by calling Nina at 970-948-0179
...Spots will fill, so call immediately so you don't miss out!
in the Doggie Dash for the Humane Society of Boulder Valley!
It takes a huge village to love all these animals and keep the shelter afloat, to show these animals all the love they show us! THANK YOU!

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